Custom tactick have just killed SWOS

18 years 2 months ago #7544 by Ludgi
Custom tactics are killing the game!!!!!!!
Can t anyone notice it????
Maybe it s just my problem,,,,bah ???
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18 years 2 months ago #7549 by Oli O.
Hm no. ;D

Every tactic has it weak points. So if someone is dominating your game you have to find them out. Or just create a more dominating tactic. Thats it!
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18 years 2 months ago #7550 by Playaveli

Custom tactics are killing the game!!!!!!!
Can t anyone notice it????
Maybe it s just my problem,,,,bah ???

custom tactics do NOT kill the game! They kill stupid standard goals... thats the point! and that is good! :)
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18 years 2 months ago #7551 by Redhair
I can understand Ludgi, but the main problem is equal ON + tactics.
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18 years 2 months ago #7553 by Emmeti
We can say that maybe not killing but deeply changing the game for sure.
I think many players in the community are just not prepared or interested to radically change their swos experience .

I ve always played using default tactics and i m not worried if someone uses a custom tactic vs my 4-4-2.
Maybe i m bored if he does always the same thing, custom tactic or not, but this is a different problem.

I think custom tactics can help only players with a deep knowledge of their own game to improve themselves and their style.
If someone copies your tactic, i don t think you should be bothered or worried or upset or whatever....and i agree with Lik : I would be glad if someone plays with my tactic. Let others create Playa s tactics clone ,we will see the outcome of this cut and paste work on the pitch.
I know Playa you spent hours and hours creating your own custom tactic and now this guy just copy yours? c mon who cares... ...does he beat you now with a copy of your tactic? If yes , here s another challenge for you , if no...let him copy... or maybe you want money for copyright violation? :P

On the other hand the player using default tactic (maybe a good player with no time to create a decent custom tactic because of work or school) vs your custom tactic could think you are playing the game with a little advantage...

So my opinion : For liga and ooo (except ASL1) custom tactics allowed if both agree.

I don t like the eq.on rule ...
I hate it.
I think that / on issue needs a solution. So if this in not the right place to talk about and eq.on please create a topic or if already created plz tell me link!
I ve changed my opinion about that in order to make you change your mind too , i suggest you to do like i did , play your arsenal or Barca eq.on vs the curchweatever ;) or playa s once lobos used by Playa himself. If you still want to play a doctor, you re insane !!!

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18 years 2 months ago #7554 by RobChef
Right now I feel too that games changed a lot. With the original tactics games seem to be more interessting because they have no good defense and it was like a offense commpetition who scores more . With custom tactics defense is much better, most of the game is in the middle of the court and the players stay very close to each other so you have not much time to react. It s harder to score and sometimes I feel before we had games like in english league and now we have games like in italian league.
What ever I think we should give the custom tactic thing more time.
Equal off, I was against it for some reasons but it seems that a lot of people want it now so may be we need a new poll about that.
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18 years 2 months ago #7555 by Oli O.
No poll!
Big Redhair has spoken! ;D
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18 years 2 months ago #7571 by Playaveli

I know Playa you spent hours and hours creating your own custom tactic and now this guy just copy yours? c mon who cares... ...does he beat you now with a copy of your tactic? If yes , here s another challenge for you , if no...let him copy... or maybe you want money for copyright violation? :P

well, that is again not my point! I agree with you here, but I mean something else.

I think it is UNFAIR to copy tactics and have quick success with it while others struggle to do a tactic by themselves and improve it week by week. That s a slap in the face of fair players...

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18 years 2 months ago #7576 by Emmeti
Yes , i know it s unfair.
Sure blame the people that just cut and paste , but we need to be a little flexible about custom tactics.
Maybe a player after watching a good custom tactic likes it and decides to copy and to make only some little changes (like strikers position) , i want to believe that maybe your custom tactic is what he was going to create anyway and you just saved him time :)

I suggest to people that copied a tactic or part of a tactic to post here and just saying what they ve copied and why.
Sure most of the custom tactics will have some things in common like for example the very popular change of RB and LB position , quoting SPIR , but it s almost impossible to create a custom tactic that is identical to another one . The player that creates a tactic will easily recognize his own tactic if used by another player and could easily clear all his doubts checking the copy tactic with the editor and comparing it to the original one. So, no secrets...
What to do when you find out? eheh...nothing in my opinion.
I think members have rights , even the right to be not original at all , like the right to score (or trying to score) the same way all the times (and when i say all the times i mean all the times). You cannot blame someone because is trying to win at all costs...even if not in a completely fair way copying tactics is not on the same level of double accounting or causing lost conns on purpose.

For example : i find an easy way to score with defence tactic and after that moment all players or many of them choose defence tactic...i know the example doesn t fit this situation 100%, but i m just trying to make a point, you cannot tell a player how to play, wouldn t be fair , paradoxically , because actually in this case of stolen tactics he s the unfair one, but this is another story....

So once again , i understand your point playa , but even if i agree with you i don t think we can do much about all this.

(or yes, we can create a topic the wall of infamy - in a new section or including it in the cheating section- in which we can post unfair players reviews...but i think it would be an uncool way of dealing with the problem and i am sure you agree with me about that).

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18 years 2 months ago #7578 by RobChef

So once again , i understand your point playa , but even if i agree with you i don t think we can do much about all this.

I think so too especially for new players, they need some time to understand the game and create their own tactic. So they will use one from a good player or they will lose every game if they try to play original vs custom tactics.

And if I remember it right some players wanted custom tactics so badly because they have created a good one and wanted to play in online, they should be happy now because now they have exactly what they asked for.
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