(v5.6 - 94MB - Win XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 - mod installer, original version is needed)
This is the real deal! What's new?
- Online Multiplayer
- AMIGA & PC DOS original gameplay
- AMIGA 60 FPS & XBLA gameplay
- AMIGA & DOS menus
- Speedrun mode!
- SWOS Galore (rate & share highlights)
- Practice mode!
- HD widescreen support
- USB controller support
- improved pitch palette
- improved sound files (stereo)
- auto-updater for database / launcher / executable
- database browser, full search engine for players/teams
- DLC for pitches, sound fx, commentary, cups & more...
Upon installation you will be prompted to locate an original version of SWOS on your hard drive (auto-search will be performed at your convenience).
You don't have an original copy? Get it from here:
(Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any websites & content of external links!)
Amiga version
There are a few things to note about this update:
- career start year is set to 23/24
- league sizes reflect reality wherever possible
- all subs have been set to 5/5
Notes: Recommended version, works 100% in career mode. 2MB Fast mem required!
Saving requires a floppy disk in DF0! Here is one with some useful SWOS content. No bugs.
Notes: Might crash in career mode with certain accelerators.
Old tactic loading bug is still present.
Same as HDF version, just in a ZIP file.
Screenshots of WINDOWS version - SWOS 2020