Club for Gentlemen

12 years 9 months ago #106062 by St.Vitus
Replied by St.Vitus on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
The season was opened on a wonderful shiny day in L.A.
Our Galaxy played the D.C. team but in the first match the respect overwhelmed so we deceided not to score any goals.

After little training we scored better from far and not so far away. Good for the audience. Crappy beer as usual.

In detail:

Washington D.C. (Coach: Sir Dimetrodon) vs. L.A. Galaxy (Coach Sir St. Vitus)
0 - 0
1 - 3

It was an honour to play with you and we looking forward for the next game.

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12 years 9 months ago #106063 by St.Vitus
Replied by St.Vitus on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
My story:

I was once phoning a friend at his parents home. In that time he got a girlfriend in a german town called Issum . I did not know, if he was at home, or visiting her, so I just tried my luck.
His father answerd my phonecall, and I asked if I can talk to him. The father said, He is in Issum. , but I understood, He is dumb. (dumm in german - sounds like Issum).

So I was a little confused, and I answered: Yep, I know, but can I talk to him? - After that his father was more confused than me. ;D

Oh yes, and that boy was the guy with the Amiga we played Kick Off 2 on it - after years I remembered the game and searched for that or a similar game. Finally I discovered Sensible Soccer, and since that I am here to play.....

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12 years 9 months ago #106066 by Jonathant
Replied by Jonathant on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
New England Reverends kicked off with two titanic battles with the Galaxy of LA.

First match saw the vicars score a first period play which ended with the ball in the onion bag. At the interval, Galaxy took on board some hotdogs and beer, but jettisoned the unfortunate goal-tender in favour of an alternative selection. This successfully shut out the Rev in the second period, but the Galaxarians couldn t succesfully manage any revenge scores of their own. As the clocked ticked to zero, the score ended at 1-0 to New England.

The second game of the series was a more exciting affair. Galaxy stuck with the alternative goal tender, and all was going well when a training ground corner play was converted at the near post: 1-0 to Galaxy. New England fought back with a corner play of their own later in the first period, this time a wide receiver stole in unnoticed at the far post to carry the ball into the end zone: 1-1!
In the second period, the game turned into a battle for the next corner play, which Galaxy acheived first. This was duly converted: 2-1 to the Galaxy. As the clock ticked down, New England gave up on the corner tactic and surprised the opposition with a direct running play that saw the offense run the ball around the goal tender and over the score line! The score stayed tied at 2-2 to the end.

Translation: NE vs LA: 1-0 and 2-2. Very close games!!

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12 years 9 months ago #106070 by swos4ever
Replied by swos4ever on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
Nice story St. Vitus. What i think could be different is that instead ur friend had kick off , he had sensible soccer, he probably would not go to Issum.
Jonathan nice review, the 2 game was very tatical. Definitely corners give points, almost important as the penaltys.

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12 years 9 months ago #106076 by Pallister
Replied by Pallister on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
Pallister vs sox 2-2 and 0-0

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12 years 9 months ago #106081 by Jonathant
Replied by Jonathant on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
New England Revelations vs Dallas Burn Baby Burn

Game 1:
Dallas broke the scoring deadlock with a beautiful long range diagonal rocket shot that flew into the top corner from down town.
Then New England got confused, and tapped the ball into their home goal, and were disappointed to find it counted for the oppostion....
In the second period New England realised their error and scored into the opponents net! But it wasn t all good news, the goal scorer getting taken out, and his one good leg damaged by a late attempt to block from the Dallas defence!!
Unfortunately, as hard as they tried New England couldn t get the second goal to level the scores, and Dallas employed some further rough-housing tactics to break up the play and the bones of the Revolution players! Succesfully scaring off the attacks, and holding on for a deserved 2-1!

Game 2:
The first period was not one that the locals appreciated as they saw no goal scoring action! The fans that knew their soccerball (both of them) did enjoy the tactical battle.
In the second period, the pattern of play continued the same until Dallas created a real opportunity. The ball that was played into the score box was successfully stopped by the defence of New England. But they didn t get it fully away and Dallas found themselves in possesion of the ball with the goal tender having a lie-down outside the goal mouth. The Dallas striker took the opportunity early to send the ball goalwards early, but the New England had a defender trying to stop the ball....! Suddenly, another Dallas striker appeared and slide-tackled the valiant defender in a cold-blooded, but well planned, attack - leaving the ball free to sail into the waiting now undefended goal!
New England tried to fight back, but knew they were struggling after that Dallas play. The Dallas defence, took heart and comfortably saw off the challenge from New England, to hold on for a seconf win: 1-0!

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12 years 9 months ago #106099 by Pallister
Replied by Pallister on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
Pallister vs Rock 3-2. 4-1, 2-0 and 4-1

Great games!!!

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12 years 9 months ago #106102 by Rock and Roll
I would like lodge an official complaint. I do not think it s fair that my players were forced to take a drugs test before the clash between the Colombus Crew and the Mutiny. We all know that American sports have a major history of tolerated steroids use. So what if my players have a 90:9:1 steroid to fat to blood ratio? I was now forced to field a junior side which was totally outplayed. Could the league commissioner PLEASE do something about this? C mon...I mean I don t really have to use my swos-talent to win games do I?

:) :) :) :) :)

Well played Palli...I thoroughly enjoyed those games...the first one I got crushed and it was only due to a massive keeper advantage it wasn t 10-0 instead of 3-2 :).

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12 years 9 months ago #106107 by Jonathant
Replied by Jonathant on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen
New England vs Tampa Mutiny

The teams gathered in a cold evening to play the eastern division match ups, but the cheerleaders soon warmed things up with the pre-game entertainments. After the national anthem, everyone ate some apple pie. Then the games begun:

1st game: New England scored the only goal by passing arounfd the keeper and running it over the line. The strikers are still unsure about using their feet for kicking the round thing....Mutiny couldn t manage to level, and the final score was 1-0!

2nd game: No-one can remember the details, but the ginger dude Alexei Lalas was spotted clearing the ball from the line while toking on a fat one. Final score rumoured to be 0-0, but the crowd had fallen asleep.

3rd game: Amazingly saw goals! New England stormed to a 2-zip lead, both goals coming from direct shots on goal! The Tampa GK fumbling a feeble first half attempt, but having no chance with a fiercely struck shot in the second period. Then as the game was drawing to a close the Mutiny scored their first goal of the evening with a curling shot inside the post. Panic descended, seeing the New England defensive midfielder sent off, and another great save from Lalas to keep the win for New England: 2-1!

4th game: Back to the normal in this one, as a solitary goal gave New England the win. This time the New England GK was the hero making numerous saves as Mutiny fought bravely, but in vain, to get an equalising goal: 1-0!

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12 years 9 months ago #106118 by dimetrodon
Replied by dimetrodon on topic Re: Club for Gentlemen

ICould the league commissioner PLEASE do something about this?

I do what I could: I lost all my 4 games against you :)

By the way: In this American league and use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs is allowed. Suggested ratio is: 95% blood + 1% fat + 19% steroid in 100% of player s veins.

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