Re: Swos Newbies Here: Ultimate Installer for Amiga Swos Online inc 96/97 + 08/09

15 years 1 month ago - 15 years 1 month ago #67317 by ro32x
ok i didn t know other languages have different program files location
my script hard codes to c:\program files
i see danish windows goes to C:\Programmer
if i click [startbutton] then [run] then [cmd] and type [set] i see the following environment variable:
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
do you see something similar in other windows versions?
if it shows as
then i can use this %ProgramFiles% environment variable instead

i ve repackage the program so please test to see if works
it works fine in english windows xp, download it here:
IMPORTANT: allow exe extractor to unzip to default location:

also the bottom 2 lines of the script:
call C:\Progra~1\AmigaS~1\ChangeKeys.bat
start /separate C:\Progra~1\AMIGAS~1\DelFolder.cmd
cannot have speech marks because the [call] and [start] commands dont support speech marks
however both commands should still work as long as the following directory exists:

at the end of the installer it should run a dos script to set your own playing keys
then auto remove C:\Download\AMIGA SWOS ONLINE
if both of this is done then the script works, let me know if any of the startmenu shortcuts dont work

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15 years 1 month ago #67349 by Shtirlits
Okay, thanks for the feedback. I ll try it when I get the time. :)

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14 years 10 months ago #71443 by Switch625
Are there some issues getting this to install specific to Windows Vista?

I ve tried to download and install the files and everytime I run the install it tells me that there are folders it can t find. As a result it will not install correcttly.

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14 years 10 months ago #71518 by sugartj

Over the past couple of months i ve struggled to get to grips with using the amiga version of swos,
i kept persevering because it is by far the best version with superior graphics, atmosheric sound, and perfect game speed,
however getting winuae to work and configuration can be quite complicated (especially for keyboard controls)
i also found out that you can play online which is GREAT, but again it took me ages to get it working with many late nights,
and lastly found out how to edit the player names and get them working in game
with all the hours spent,i decided to package together a simple installer which does everything:

- chat software to initially setup game
- key remapper so both online players can define own keys
- option to play online with 2008-09 players (if other player installs same package)
- Full documentation for online help (including router port forwarding for p2p mode etc)
- a [quitswos] icon which kills crashed p2p games and kills key mapper
- full documentation and tools for how to change the player names

Anybody who is new to Amiga Swos should benefit from this, maybe hardcore users too (maybe)
Ley me know if anything could be improved

Download it here:

IMPORTANT: allow exe extractor to unzip to default location:


I downloaded this exe-File and extracted it to a folder on my desktop. Do I need to use the suggested folder for unpacking to get the install.file working correctly? What exactly does the install-file do?

Are key mappers dangerous? sounds so. are key mappers used only in online gaming or offline, too?

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14 years 10 months ago - 14 years 10 months ago #71521 by ro32x
i ll try and sort out a Vista\XP installer soon, has everyone else using Vista had the same problems:

-Are there some issues getting this to install specific to Windows Vista?
-I ve tried to download and install the files and everytime I run the install it tells me that there are folders it can t find. As a result it will not install correcttl

yeah you need to extract to default folder:
otherwise it wont finish and configure the installation

the [Key Remapper - Online] link is only needed if you want to use your own custom keys online
dont use it if your happy with the supplied 3 keyboard layouts (which are crap)
all it does is map your keys to the supplied ones, not a security risk i think

the [Change Keys - Local] simply edits a local txt file for you

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14 years 10 months ago #71543 by Switch625
Okay to provide some more detail here s what happens.

It starts to install and then a pop-up box flashes up saying cannot find

Clicking ok to continue it runs a little further before another pop-up box with the same cannot find message, but a different location.


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14 years 2 weeks ago - 14 years 1 week ago #85663 by ro32x
Sorry for the very, very........very late reply but here is a 2010-11 update.
Works on XP, Windows7 and Vista

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