Re: Looking for partners for SWOS blog :)

15 years 1 month ago - 15 years 1 month ago #65737 by Kanu

If you are interested and want some more infos? Click on the button below! ;)

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15 years 1 month ago - 15 years 1 month ago #67048 by Retrieving
I apologize for hijacking this thread but since our common friend Sociopatic has recently started to spew bulls*** on his blog about users and due to the fact that he won t let me reply there (even though he s misquoted my statements in several occasions) I ll post my reply here:

I actually did not say that but you re a fa* who couldn t quite understand the point of my posts when they were written in italian, much less translate them in english.

The crew at have known about my hatred toward cheaters (which anybody who has experienced any online videogames since Ultima Online recognizes as an unavoidable issue of online gaming, there s never been a 100% cheaters-free online title in the history of electronic entertainment AFAIK - and I know my sh** -, wake the fu** up dude) for a while, in my post on sensibleita forums I just restated (as if it was necessary...) that online rankings ARE NOT A RELIABLE TOOL when it comes to give a clear answer on who s stronger at Sensible Soccer since the REAL Sensible Soccer definately ain t the one played over shi*** connections with ping=150 and 3~4 frameskips...and since there s also probably someone cheating in a way or another as well (thinking otherwise would be naive to say the least) well, you get the picture.

As far as I m concerned the only fair kind of competitions are live events such as SensiDays and that s it. That s just my opinion, of course, so please, make of it what you see fit.

However you re a ta** and only quoted whatever floated your boat, how predictable of you.

Furthermore many people agreed with me on SWOS UNITED forums regarding this matter last time we talked about it anyway so...your point again? (Ejder thread docet).

I repeat, stfu if you aren t capable of quoting people s words properly.

also lol, God forbid there s people who would rather not conform to standards 24/7 and prefer playing elsewhere sometimes, whether it s offline, on XBOX Live or on

Big f***ing deal, it s a matter of preference, get over it already.

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15 years 1 month ago #67049 by lobo
@ Retri Socio

I m really glad you will have whole weekend in Fulda to discuss this and all other matters face to face. If you can t wait till August and want to continune feel free to PM each other.

Thanks for your understanding.


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