Using the DPAD on a USB Xbox 360 Wireless Controller on W7

12 years 11 months ago - 12 years 11 months ago #104175 by ro32x

After doing some research I concluded the default Microsoft driver installed with the USB Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, doesn t allow you to use the DPAD for Winuae Swos on Windows 7, I only managed to use the analog sticks which I hate.

Although someone will now probably tell me an easy fix.
But if not, and you want to know my workaround, here it is:

You can use a program called Xpadder to map the DPAD to the keys assigned to SWOS.

Download from:
Then unpack to default location:
C:\Program Files\Xpadder_v5.6
and follow the [docx] instructions

IMPORTANT: the instructions discuss mapping keys that are set automatically with this Swos installer:
Therefore if you are using totalpack swos, then you will have to work it out yourself

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10 years 7 months ago #121525 by masvil
I confirm, Xpadder is the only way to go.

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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #121532 by Synchronated
xpadder is the way to go yes, although a 360 dpad is something I can t even use on menus let alone for SWOS. It just doesn t respond at all half the time and when it does the diagonals are all wrong. As such I consider it non-functional. I use a xbox360 USB street fighter pad, but when I ve played without that, I have found the analog stick on a standard 360 pad way more useful than the dpad even though I don t like using analog sticks to control 8-way games.

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