ISSA vs. SSDE Clash, March, 10th >>> betting-shop

17 years 4 months ago - 17 years 4 months ago #16451 by Redhair
Copenhagen 2007
March, 10th is sending their showpiece-player Playaveli to the ISSA XVI tournament (PC SWOS). He is currently the number one in PC SWOS ranking and he never played against someone of ISSA. But the ISSA people are sure enough to say, that they will destroy him. I doubt that! We know, the level of the top players of ISSA is high, but what we know is from the 2004 experiences of the first Sensible Days, where 4 top players of ISSA participated. Greg from Belgium was the winner, but to be fair: the first Sensi Days were not really well organized and we played 5 min games in a boring league. Anyway, the balances of the danish participants were pretty good. But the times changed the things on, the level here on is higher than ever before and without any doubt it s the highest level in the world, especially because of the international Amiga SWOS online-experiences.

Both sides talking big .. see
and bid=561
for details.

Who will win the tournament? Looking forward to first results of this poll!

Currently signed up SSDE-players:
Oli O.

= eid=345
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17 years 4 months ago #16454 by Coolio_Jack
Even if the ISSA players are the most talented players ever, that cant be enough aganist Playaveli who faced all kinds of players and styles, experience will win for sure...
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17 years 4 months ago #16456 by LIK

Even if the ISSA players are the most talented players ever, that cant be enough aganist Playaveli who faced all kinds of players and styles, experience will win for sure...

agreed offline comunites dont have expirince of online players
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17 years 4 months ago #16458 by SPIR
I think the ISSA crew have a good chance. Tactic is to give Playaveli many danish beers.
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17 years 4 months ago #16463 by Eleven
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17 years 4 months ago - 17 years 4 months ago #16475 by Junior
Playa is without a doubt a very talented and experienced player. I look forward to seeing his style.

Let me predict the following: on March 10, Play will have a very easy time playing the league games. He will probably finish 1st or 2nd in his league. In the finals he will definitely make it to the semis. Personally, I think he will have a very, very tough time playing against Peter R. and Rasmus J. I know they are not online players, but they represent a very specific Danish style that Playa have NEVER met before. Both Peter and Rasmus will be playing with the home advantage. I don t think that he ll be able to win against any of them.

On a good day I can beat both Rasmus J. and Peter R., but that s because I know their style and have been playing against them for years.

I m sure that the online community is very advanced, but Peter and Rasmus way of playing is not represented by anyone in the online world.

Other players that he should fear are Markus, Asbjørn and myself. Markus and I play a more traditional style, but we re very effective. Asbjørn is of the Rasmus-school and is definetly not a player to underestimate.

If Playa proves me wrong, and wins, he s obliged to participate in the next tournament!! It s completely unheard of that the Best does not defend his title! Please take note of that, Playa. I m not kidding.

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17 years 4 months ago #16476 by Junior
oh, and by the way, our style has improved a lot since 2004. There s no comparison.
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17 years 4 months ago #16487 by Coolio_Jack

I m sure that the online community is very advanced, but Peter and Rasmus way of playing is not represented by anyone in the online world.

Hm, dont be so sure of this :)

Anyway, im curious, have u ever met some of our danish online players?
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17 years 4 months ago #16489 by Stromberg

oh, and by the way, our style has improved a lot since 2004. There s no comparison.

Your style may has improved since 2004 but imagine that Playaveli has made about 2000 online games since then and he mastered perfectly all disciplines of SWOS and visited several offline tournaments.
True I ve never seen you playing, but I saw Playaveli playing. I think you might have a very little chance if Playa has a bad day...
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17 years 4 months ago #16490 by Oli O.
We have improved ourselves, too. ;)

I would beat myself from 2004 easily. :D
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