Re: Creativity or SRN?

17 years 9 months ago - 17 years 9 months ago #12562 by Emmeti
Replied by Emmeti on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?
Hmmmmm, i don t think the problem is to beat them and stop their attacks, Playaveli.
I lose and win against one move players . In my opinion scoring 1 goal more than them doesn t solve the one move problem.
They still try to score that way, because it seems (sure i am wrong for many of them, but just to make a point) they cannot score in a different way. What i mean it s that i doesn t matter if you win or lose , they still try to do that thing over and over. Seems they don t know frustration (i do when i play with them) or boredom ( i do when i play with them).  One day i was playing with one of those one move players , i was winning 5-0 and he was still trying to score his goal over and over ...same thing when he was leading 4 or 5-0 the next game, he kept on doing the same attack over and over again.
I just simply avoid to play one move players, but in my opinion taking this kind of decision is a very sad thing .... a little Swos - shame, considering the great thing of swos online and is to meet and challenge swos players, that was just possible in my dreams when i used to play with my amiga offline years and years ago.
I am saying i don t feel bad because i can t stop them i feel bad because my idea of swos is not defending the same shot 20-30 times in a game (successfully or not).

I want to say Jiggaplaya is a good swos-friend , nice person, fair player, i hate his style but if he wins so much in that means he s got something more than one-move bots, first of all a good defence and like many others wrote before me, he s a great challenge all the times.

I still believe a change in the ranking system is necessary, maybe it won t solve the one move problem, but would help in general.
I have a couple of ideas about how to change it, but it s up to admins i guess and  this is also off-topic right now.

I thik everyone has the right to have his own style, like everyone has the right to dislike other players style and has the right to say that,  like me that i don t like vegetables i am not afraid to say that at dinner because i am sure i am not offending any vegetables-lover or the cook  (obviously i don t say vegetables are s**t, where s my f***ing pizza!?!?!? )
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17 years 9 months ago #12563 by Oli O.
Replied by Oli O. on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?
You say it. It doesn t matter whether winning or losing a match against one-move-players, most of them will still try their one attack-style (like a roboter...). A player like Jigga has enough quality to create his game and goals more flexible. This would be the step to come closer to the Playaveli-Level and everybody will enjoy competing with him without any frustration about losing.
And I m sure that there are some other one-move-players who ll never learn it...
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17 years 9 months ago #12566 by Redhair
Replied by Redhair on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?
Always the same, bad losers in my opinion, like in the past the SEGA A-Button kicker discussion. It s in the game and you have got the freedom to play like you want! If you are not good enough to stop your opponent, you are not good enough to beat him, it s like in real life football. If your opponent has a weak point, you should take advantage of it.
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17 years 9 months ago #12572 by Rijntje
Replied by Rijntje on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?

I thik everyone has the right to have his own style, like everyone has the right to dislike other players style and has the right to say that, like me that i don t like vegetables i am not afraid to say that at dinner because i am sure i am not offending any vegetables-lover or the cook (obviously i don t say vegetables are s**t, where s my f***ing pizza!?!?!? )

LOOOOL, but so true :D
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17 years 9 months ago #12578 by dicious
Replied by dicious on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?

Yeah, I don t play ooo s anymore too, just for the reason u just gave. I play more friendlies and friendly leagues, It s way better that way, u play way more relaxed and fun matches.

I will only try to get my points through leagues like u :)

hey! u changed ur opinion! i remeber i prefered OOOs or simply didnt play friendlies;)
but bravo!! hundred per cent agree!!!
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17 years 9 months ago #12579 by mikeul
Replied by mikeul on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?

Always the same, bad losers in my opinion, like in the past the SEGA A-Button kicker discussion. It s in the game and you have got the freedom to play like you want! If you are not good enough to stop your opponent, you are not good enough to beat him, it s like in real life football. If your opponent has a weak point, you should take advantage of it.

Absolutely true Redhair.
I just want to add something funny. Some guys who are complaining during the game always the same goal... are the first to score.... the same goal !!!
But they consider diagonal shots not boring maybe because sometimes scored from the left sometimes from the right ! Ah ah ah ah

My advices to the fantastic not boring players who are the nice guys in that story against the bad guys who are ever winning with the same goal :
1/ Try to stop boring goals
2/ Try to score boring goals (other than diagonal shots of course which are not boring goals, ok, eh eh). As they are boring they should be easy to score !

I have many respect for Jigaplaya because first, he is a fantastic defender. And second because... im totally unable to score his boring goal.
So i will try my best to follow my 2 own advices !
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17 years 9 months ago #12580 by Rijntje
Replied by Rijntje on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?

hey! u changed ur opinion! i remeber i prefered OOOs or simply didnt play friendlies;)
but bravo!! hundred per cent agree!!!

Yeah well, I liked ooo s in the beginning, but lately it only brought frustation, so that s why I changed my opinion ;)

2/ Try to score boring goals (other than diagonal shots of course which are not boring goals, ok, eh eh). As they are boring they should be easy to score !

Yeah, tried that solution too, but then the games just utterly suck :P
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17 years 9 months ago #12584 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?
My eyes hurt if I read SWOS and boring/boredom in one sentence...

Not even One-move-players are boring because they still play SWOS! How fantastic that game has to be that we have discussion about gaming style 10 years after it s release.

This topic is the best prove of how alive and vital this game is. Cheers everybody for scoring one-move-goals, and thanks to the desperate defenders of one-moves!

Keep going!! And take care of s beautiful!
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17 years 9 months ago #12587 by Rijntje
Replied by Rijntje on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?
Yeah, ok, that s one way to look at it :P lol
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17 years 9 months ago #12589 by jiggaplaya
Replied by jiggaplaya on topic Re: Creativity or SRN?
is this ice dance or soccer ???

i have a great idea...

the score is not important ! only how much somersault you do before you scores one?

for one aomersault you get 1 point
for two 3 points
and for unbelievable five you get 10 points !

only an example if you want we can change the points ( examples 1-2-3, or 2-5.8) pls someone post new on forum
maybe it works and all are happy ;D

but you get only points if your oponent says i like your unbelievable gamestyle

greetings to all sooooo creative players here,

mmmmh players... :-\

srry my fault i mean sooo creativ sensigods like rintje olio and almichal;D

real thx to all guys who understand the game bye!

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