Who did teach u how to play online sensible ?????

17 years 1 month ago #19086 by Ottoman
my teacher was enbino.. when i first came to IRC he grabbed me and told everything about ss.de and online stuff...

hehe thx to my sensible life coach....

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17 years 1 month ago #19089 by KAFKA
enbino great friend :) i never forget you

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17 years 1 month ago - 17 years 1 month ago #19091 by Foka
Kafka :) i find him on server in kalilera emulator. And he give me link for mirc and help registred on ss.de (becouse i have problem with polish meil( i dont had answer from registred meil on ss.de). Later i played with Kafka many games and had many lost. He give me idea for use Arsenal. THX Turkish friend!!!

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17 years 1 month ago - 17 years 1 month ago #19095 by Playaveli
Nice topic, Otto! :)

In October of 2003 I was the first time on sensiblesoccer.de!
Redhair told me about everything (back then we played only Sega Sensi online!). We made friends very soon... Thanks to him! ;)

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17 years 1 month ago - 17 years 1 month ago #19102 by Stromberg
i found my way to the irc channel where enbino then enlightened me :) I remember my heart beating so fast coz after reading on the site i wasn t quite sure if you really can play swos online. what a feeling after i know the damn good truth! My first OOO was vs enbino too - he won 3-2 :D

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17 years 1 month ago - 17 years 1 month ago #19106 by Redhair
I think it was Redhair LOL

Well, I remember my very first online game, it was 2001 or 2002. ElMichaJ showed me, that you CAN play SEGA Sensible!

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17 years 1 month ago #19109 by LIK
I can t remember. I just rember that my first online game was without chat. I just joined open kaillera game :)

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17 years 1 month ago #19110 by HairFU
1st time i play the game online was a Tournament on an Asutrian site, where normaly FIFA Soccer was played, but that was a very funny thing (we play the Sega Version). Sad that at the end of this big tournament no one have played there games (on that days it was like in FIFA, a big cup with a lot of matches to play in many weeks.) I must lie but if i remember it was Bigbrother LS (if you here just corect me). Then i never touch that game again because no one was intressted in.

Can t really remember, but it must be around 2004 when i found this site. So a few weeks before that i found a PC Version of SWOS at Underdogs, never known that there was a PC Version at that time, so i search for more intressting infos about the game and then i found ss.de .
I read the whole site and then i see that there a lot of other people like to play Sensible Soccer Online. So i enter the chat immediately and ask for some match. So can t remember who was my really 1st opponent. But it was fun and a good experience.
So after some matches i reconize that the Sega Version was really borring. So i stop playing online after 2 Month.
I don t forgett the site and after a yeahr i come back to look what was happen. So i see that is now possible to play the Amiga SWOS Version online. Cool i think, i give it a try. And yes it was really cool. So since that i play Amiga SWOS online :)

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17 years 1 month ago #19130 by ElMichaJ
his name was bigbrotherLS..

i think its number 12 of our list...

he told me how to play.... together with red we improved that....

we got the 10 first ooo matches on sega ^

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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17 years 1 month ago #19142 by [H]Giggs
my teacher was the CPU. I mostly played offline vs some friends and cpu

One day I was reading and found ss.de in codemasters forum. Happy day ;)

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