Some work, some just rip off...

8 years 1 month ago #133308 by Playaveli

used one fake fb account

Thanks atilla. What an idiot.
His last sentence... for that alone he deserves a slapping! Like, give me your money or F*** off... ::)

Reported him again on eBay!

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8 years 1 month ago #133309 by higgipoker
What I meant was, I m *already* concerned about him pissing off this community, rather than being worried about the Codemasters copyright side of things.

So, what I think we should establish (with screenshot comparisons and proof) is:

1. Compare his data with the community data. Should be easy to analyze what (if anything) he has added.

2. Likewise, compare his gfx mods to the community gfx mods.

3. Establish that the creators are actually against their contributions being sold in a package like this.

4. I think this is an important one - actually reach out to the guy first, before crucifying him. Immediately calling him an asshole will just put him off ever dealing with the community. It could be that he s just ignorant, and may be open to reasonable discussion and changing his mind.

Who knows, if the situation is explained calmly and logically to him, he might even become a valuable contributor!

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8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #133310 by Playaveli
Higgi, a blind person can see the ripping off!

Just an example! Goal nets, blue bottle next to goal post... And much more things...

Plus, I tried yesterday to talk to him. He blocked me right away, when I asked where he got his graphics from.
Look how he talked to atilla (screenshot). Honestly, we can relinquish contributors like him!

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8 years 1 month ago #133311 by higgipoker
Well if he s not even open to conversation with the people who created the graphics, then fuck the guy.

Tell Codemasters. Even just a Cease and Desist letter could cost him a few thousand in admin fees, even if they don t take it further than that.

If he doesn t give a shit about the community, this is probably the only way to get something done about it.

Did you get any feedback from your Ebay complaint?

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8 years 1 month ago #133312 by higgipoker
P.S. I did inform him politely on facebook that SWOS is NOT abandonware. Otherwise Jon s new game would have been called Sensible Soccer!

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8 years 1 month ago #133313 by Playaveli

This is what eBay tells you, automatically:

Thank you for taking the time to submit this report.
This information is very important to us, so please be assured that we will thoroughly review it and take action if necessary.

If there s a violation, the action we take depends on how it impacts our community. In some cases, we explain the situation to the seller and the listing will remain on our website. If the item or listing doesn t follow our rules, we may cancel the listing. We may also restrict the seller s buying and selling activities on eBay.

To protect our users privacy, we re unable to share the action we take. Thanks for understanding.

Note: You don t need to contact us again. Doing so would create a new report and prolong the process.

Truth is:
The more people do the report, the earlier eBay takes action against him. In this case: Kill his auction, and similar future ones!
So, if just 5-10 people use the report link, that ll be most helpful.

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8 years 1 month ago #133314 by higgipoker
Wouldn t it hold more weight if it came from the actual copyright holder? I.E. Codemasters? Anybody got any inside contacts? :)

I don t know, of course, but I d speculate that with the size of Ebay, you d probably need hundreds of complaints for them to actually do something!

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8 years 1 month ago #133315 by higgipoker
LOL you re right, I ve just noticed that he just stole your 20th Anniversary graphic!

Imma try reaching out to the guy one last time, see if he ll listen to reason.

Can you try to get the people who created the gfx/addon s etc. that he s using in here to voice their opinion?

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8 years 1 month ago #133316 by Playaveli

Wouldn t it hold more weight if it came from the actual copyright holder? I.E. Codemasters? Anybody got any inside contacts? :)

I don t know, of course, but I d speculate that with the size of Ebay, you d probably need hundreds of complaints for them to actually do something!

We had such sellers a few years ago, who stole from community.
Ca. 10 reports filed, auction taken off!

Informed my contact at Codemasters already. Told me to just spread the word to report this guy, because going the official way would take months!

So, we can stop discussing. Just log in on eBay, and file a report.

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8 years 1 month ago #133317 by higgipoker
He s blocked me too now. And I ve just seen the bullshit he s posting about you.

I m in. Filing Ebay complaint now.

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