Elaborate View result test and conclusions

3 years 4 months ago - 3 years 4 months ago #144426 by captaincofresi
SWOS2020 - Elaborate View result test and conclusions

I recently watched Playaveli online doing a View Result test. What he did was creating seven teams, where all the skills were set to 0. For each team he would set the following skills to the maximum of 7: Passing, Velocity, Headers, Tackling, Control, Speed, Finishing. Therefore creating seven teams with the names of these skills. He then created a League with these seven teams, each team played by the CPU:  Normal Pitch, Playing each other 4 times,  5 of 5 subs.  In total there are then 24 matches in each League. He ran the League four times to see what skill(s) would be the most important for the View Result standings. The surprising result was that not the expected Speed skill won the most, but the top two ranking for the skills was mostly: Tackling first and then Passing second. So, after watching this test it raised the following questions for me:

- How much does choosing either the 442 tactic or 532 tactic influence the View Result?
- How much do the average skills, set to either 0 (Playaveli) or 3 or 4 influence the View Result?
- How much does choosing either the Normal mode or Expert mode influence the View Result?

Therefore I decided to do a very elaborate View Result test to see if I could get an answer to these questions. Instead of doing four runs, I did five runs for each View Result test with the exact same setup as Playaveli. After a thorough analysis, the conclusion is that all of the factors I mention above interact and can have a influence on the View result scores. To be true to the interaction of these variables, I can not give a separate answer to each question. So here I will give you a summary in bullet lists of the main results and conclusions drawn from the analysis.

Results and conclusions

Normal mode versus Expert mode comparison for the 442 and 532 tactics
- The 442 tactic, on the average skills set to either 0 or 3 :
- - In Normal mode the ranking is Tackling & Speed (equal), Passing.
- - In Expert mode the ranking is Tackling, Passing, Speed.

- The 532 tactic, on the average skills set to 0 :
- - In Normal mode the ranking is Tackling, Speed, Passing
- - In Expert mode the ranking is Tackling, Passing, Speed & Control (equal)

- The 532 tactic, on the average skills set to 3 :
- - In Normal mode the ranking is Tackling & Passing & Speed (all equal).
- - In Expert mode the ranking is Tackling & Passing & Speed (all equal).

Tactics 442 versus 532 and generic differences for View Result
In Expert mode the differences between these tactics is apparent, when average skills are 0 or 3:
- In the 442 tactic the clear ranking order: Tackling, Passing, Speed.
- In the 532 tactic all skills share an equal first place on average: Passing & Speed & Tackling (all equal).

Influence of the Average skill in the team set to 4, instead of either 0 or 3
- Average skill in the team set to 0 or 3, then the top 3 is mostly:
Tackling (1st), Passing (2nd or 3rd) , Speed (2nd or 3rd)

- Average skill in the team set to 4:
- - In the 442 tactic the Speed skill becomes less important:
- - - In Normal mode the ranking is Passing, Tackling,
- - - and a shared third place for Speed & Control (equal).
- - - In Expert mode the ranking is Passing, Tackling,
- - - and a shared third place for Speed & Control & Headers (equal).

- - In the 532 tactic the Speed skill is NOT in the top 3 anymore (rankded often lower than 5th):
- - - In Normal mode the ranking is Tackling,
- - - and a shared second place for Passing & Control (equal).
- - - In Expert mode the ranking is Tackling,
- - - and a shared second place for Passing & Headers (equal).

If you are interested the zip file SWOS2020 Elaborate View Result Test [captaincofresi].zip contains all the files for the analysis as well as the editted custom teams used to perform this test, the file can be downloaded using this link: drive.google.com/file/d/14cwqq741IMzIEva...AK2/view?usp=sharing
Last edit: 3 years 4 months ago by captaincofresi. Reason: removed SWOS2020 from main title

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3 years 4 months ago #144427 by Playaveli
Basicly the same outcome. Tackling (best), Passing and Speed are on top!

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3 years 4 months ago - 3 years 4 months ago #144430 by captaincofresi

Basicly the same outcome. Tackling (best), Passing and Speed are on top!

Yes, the all the tests I did for Normal mode and Expert mode confirm this. And the tactics used doesn't influence this all that much. Today I also tested the 451 tactic (most used in Premier League and European National teams at the moment in SWOS2020). In the 451 tactic there is no ranking, the top three skills are equally imporant in both Normal and Expert mode: Speed = Passing = Tackling for the View Results.

And there was no effect in the ranking you mention when upping the average skill in the team from 0 to 3.
There is however an effect when the average skill is either up to 4 or 5, for all the tactics 442, 451 and 532 I tested, this is the effect:

  • In Normal mode upping the skills adds the Control skill as an equally important skill to the mix of
    Tackling & Passing (shared top spot), Speed & Control (shared second place).
  • In Expert mode upping the skills adds the Headers skill as an equally important skill to the mix of
    Tackling & Passing (shared top spot), Speed & Headers (shared second place).

And for those interested, I added this analysis and custom teams to the following file SWOS2020 Elaborate View Result Test v2 [captaincofresi].zip: drive.google.com/file/d/1-LjMnLw1zAUwFcT...3l4/view?usp=sharing .

Do you also use this information to balance the database somehow? Or is it just an excersise to better understand why a team like Arsenal (5th in skill ranking, 511) in the Premier League can almost win the league when playing a Season in Career mode ;-) . At least for me this helps me understand that a lot better why not the top skill ranking teams are in top of my career season league table in Normal mode. When I later played on Expert mode, the ranking already was closer to the skill ranking though.
Last edit: 3 years 4 months ago by captaincofresi. Reason: layout

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