Re: Sensible Days 2018 - Billund, Denmark, 21/22 July

5 years 10 months ago #139837 by Playaveli

Hi all, sorry that I could not take part this year. Where can I follow results?

Yea, get WhatsApp and send me your phone number on PM here, or facebook!

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5 years 10 months ago #139840 by Bomb
Hey guys!

BIG THX to the Klaris, Andib, Djowger and the rest of the Danish crew for organizing this great tournament.
THX to Colin for doing the whole score entering and the math.

Congratz to Blazej for winning the triple (+ various other prices ^^) again. Its insane on what level this guy is playing SWOS. Not to mention that he played chess during the tournament with Colin and Marin. I hope he was not too bored ... :P.

Also congrats to the Runner-Ups Marin and Bobbie, your silver medals were absolutely deserved!

Personally I was very happy about Paiders 4th place in PC and Spirs Bronze-medal in Amiga SWOS.

Unfortunately I was not well prepared this year, went out of all competitions with 1 goal difference (which was in 1 or 2 cases not neccessary ) - but I will come back stronger next year. I promise.

Like usually I enjoyed the funny talks with all of you guys and I am proud that I have taken part in the 500 liter beer destroyment. I think 2 or 3 liters go on my responsability! :D

Cya all soon!

P.S. Some photos please!

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5 years 10 months ago #139848 by dzem

Well, I ll try to keep it short:
Organization: no reason to complain, even if I try to. I missed some recent SensiDays, but I doubt if it s possible to be better prepared than you were. Thumbs up!

This quote from 2014 is still valid. Thank you anish crew for all your effort!

I do not have too many pictures, but instead got nice memories - will share it next year ;-)

Blazej becomes a synonym of winner . I blaze it = I win it. Congrats to Blazej and Bobbie!

See you next year mates!

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5 years 10 months ago #139852 by Paider
Also from my Side a big Thanks to the Danish Crew.
All words are already said here or in Whatsapp Group.

For me it was specially amazing to come so far in the PC tournament :)

Here a link to some photos from Klinki, Andypsilon and me.

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5 years 10 months ago #139857 by djowGer
All results and rankings updated now. I checked all group standings and ko results 2 times so it should be correct.

Thx to all for being the way you are and supporting this year s Sensible Days. Had a good experience again this time as co-organizer, although a little stressed at times. And a big thanks to Colin for the result entering and excel magic :)

Thx to all for the birthday wishes on saturday and to Boejesman for the birthday gift :P

Overall most things went okay. Streaming was not a success due to slow wifi, but we kind of knew this beforehand. The recording laptop was not fast enough it seemed although it usually is. The heat probably didn t help either. This can hopefully get improved for next year, without to much trouble.

Tournaments ending to late again, was not okay imo. We should reconsider 1st and 2nd group stage again although I really like this format. PC was finished 1.30 and amiga 2-3 ish. I would argue for a double system setup for each group stage, adding a schedule and playing it all as fr or 2 x diy league. For table overview adding group standings to a big screen or beamer everyone can see.

I loved the tapped beer improvement we made this year, but it did cost us 3 players with too much hangovers on saturday, plus only 6 players went to play football in the morning ;)
Much respect to the kitchen team for the food. Perfect all the way for me.

Last but the least congrats to the winners and medalists. What more can you say about Blazej that haven t been said already. His defense is a brick wall, his special combos, play build-ups and overall coolness is overwhealming for 99% of all his opponents. He only really faced trouble on amiga playing vs custom tactics players and still managed to keep it close. Much respect for this.
As for my own performance I was hoping for a final on PC, but again facing the champion made it difficult, and so I was happy to get 3rd place. Didn t really care much for classic, but it is fun to play and watch it if both players know what they are doing. Congrats to my danish mates for good performances. Especially Spir who was a on a good run. Also to Team Oelkohold and Klaris for the bacon wins. Respect to Lindholm who made it to quarters on his Days debut, and to Andib for silver on classic.

Days must go on..

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5 years 10 months ago #139858 by St.Vitus
Back from Denmark. Not much to add what is not already written.

Special thanks to Klaris for uncomplicated handling for my special vegetarian wishes. Great work man.

I enjoyed the tournament very much though my performances were too bad this year. I ll promise to practice regularly in future.

I thought I could get rid of my big machine Joystick and change to easier Gamepad steering - it was a desaster.
I think I m too old to change now. So the machine has to function for several years. I started with arcade controls when I was 6 (Space Invaders in Arcade Halls) and I think I have to stay there till the end. It could be worse.

So, it was good to see you all again. Next time for 3 days and with beer. :D

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5 years 10 months ago #139859 by ElMichaJ
Sensidays 15 is over and after some days of reactivating real world sensors i am able to write some lines about :)

Travelling on Friday from Berlin to Billung was running like planned, except berlin building stuff and border waiting before denmark :D

so i had enough time to meet and speak to all swos friends again. It was not easy for me to switch off father mode and dive into the atmosphere. Sometimes i thought i hear a baby crying ... but well, i think someone scored a goal :D

i met some new faces and a lot old faces and had a lot stuff to talk and drink.

tournaments ended a bit late, but it was still ok. you can calculate formulas and time, but never the human swos factor.
we (admins) had some nice ideas ... but sometimes reality is stronger than own will

my gaming performance was ok, not good, not bad. But i am the only german with medal, which made me happy and sad ;)

but paider was really close to it :) well done mate ! really nice performance !
pc was ok for german crew ... amiga not ;) so we have to practice a bit more, at least the ones who wants more than succesfully drinking beer.

i have won dynablaster cup, which was really funny and nice.
i could show all kinds
of my cruel minds.

now i have a cup more, my wife has to clean to :D
its beautyful.

side events could be also funny, but i think we need some special admins for that, which were responsive for that.
it is hard to manage main tournaments and other stuff just by a small admin crew

i will try to improve that next time. the idea of real football was nice, but i was to weak as twice. next time .... maybe :D

thx for danish crew for making food and event possible
thx to rock for doing calculate stuff, really nice job.

thx to all which were there.

monday ... monday .... was long, but full of funny memories ...

cu you soon :)

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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5 years 10 months ago #139860 by Bomb

Sometimes i thought i hear a baby crying ... but well, i think someone scored a goal :D

:D ok, who scored? Dior or Colin? :D

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5 years 10 months ago #139861 by Bomb
@Paider: thx for photos:

his is truly a great clip: enjoy it (with sound !!!)

:D :D :D

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5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #139862 by AndYpsilon
Great organising, great food, great atmosphere - THX again to Team Denmark for this awesome job! The best thing was like usual to meet all the old friends - it s really like a big family party once a year.

Congratz to Blazej, Marin, Djowger and Andib for their more or less expected medals. But I was really happy to see Bobbie, SPIR and Paider perform so well and making some surprises. Also Klinki, who
signed up last minute for the Days and really did a great job on PC - only stopped by later champion Blazej in the Top 8. And congratz to ElMichaJ, for winning the only medal for Team Germany - we ll have
to do better next year ;) It wasn t really my best performance this time, but there are worse things than going out very close against Bomb on PC and andib on Amiga in last 16. And congratz again to Dior for
your great PC matches vs. me. Well deserved :)

Personal highlight this year was Mark de velde harsenhorst entertaining us at the highest level in his bacon final against ZZ SWOS - just priceless stuff :D
Second highlight: Pallister back on the tour - it was highest time!
Third highlight: Rock rocking the stats - and also on PC SWOS making it to super group and last 16 - well done! Even if you don t like to hear: PC SWOS with custom tac is your game :P

Hope to see you soon again, maybe at Lobo s, maybe in Eifel and otherwise at next year s Sensi Days somewhere in Europe - hopefully Poland ;)

P.S. Djowger I agree, the tournaments ended a bit too late - again. But I wouldn t change the mode - it s nearly perfect. Maybe an improvement would be to set up groups and shedules
on friday evening and start at 12 on saturday. That would really save 1-2 hours of time imo.

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