Re: Sensible Days 2007

16 years 11 months ago #24970 by Marin Parushev

So let s play this tournament in good luck and great health :)

Now that s a very good wish.
The bad news from Bulgaria is that few days earlier Marin hurt the middle finger of his right arm in a ridiculous accident (he was trying to kill a fly in the room and he shut the window over his finger). Thankfully it turned out to be only a minor injury and Marin is recovering better than expected. Soon he will be able to play a whole SWOS game :) Doctors say Marin will be ready to play on full power at sensi days :D

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16 years 11 months ago - 16 years 11 months ago #24971 by RobChef
Replied by RobChef on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007

And if to preserve fairness i have to use excel and a laptop, i think i would use them...

You don t need excel, you can use another swos game on laptop to get the groups and play the games on the amigas without random injury times.

And mt, it s obvious that you re right in the fairness question.

BTW didn t the ISSA guys play with superteams? With only 5 star players injuries of course make no difference.

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16 years 11 months ago - 16 years 11 months ago #24974 by Oli O.
Replied by Oli O. on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007
- ISSA uses normal teams, the Amigaclub Denmark (Danish Open) uses Superteams.

It is not our target to copy ISSA (because of being ISSA-supporter???, hrhr...).
We want to create interesting events and finally found our rules after:
- discussing many things with good arguments
- participating ISSA s in fact very interesting tournament
- learning from our own tournaments
- simply using our brains etc.

To the question of fairness...:
A newbie, who has to play against an intact Playa-Squad or Redhair-Squad, will be bashed. No matter if his own team is fit or injured.
A newbie, who has to play against a damaged Playa-Squad or Redhair-Squad, has his biggest chance ever.

Thats my point of view.
Personally, I think my view is right, of course, and others may think, that it s wrong. But who cares? ;)

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16 years 11 months ago - 16 years 11 months ago #24978 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007

Well, it s your cup you can do what you want. I am just saying my opinion and you re treating me like i want to make a revolution! I don t think you have to remind me every time it s your cup, i know that. Also i know i can stay at home and i am not forced to join sensidays...that is clear!
I am just saying that DIY is unfair, because it is...if you want to keep it , it s ok for me. It s your home do as you prefer , but as a member i feel the right to say what i think about the rules, with no offence.
If other communities like to play unfair events because bored by the fair way, i couldn t care less, but when you and redhair say that s the way it should be well, i feel kinda confused...and disappointed. You are , you taught me how to play competitive swos and now you choose a nonsense-against-the-competitivity rule just to please bored ISSA people and whoever is not committed enough to wait for his games?
If those people left to go shopping , there i see their love for swos...sure i would stay there , first for my endless love for swos and also for the respect for organizers. If you invite people that don t know how to behave or are immature or Once-a-year swos players, well , that s the result. You should be more selective...instead of inviting every pc swosser (and maybe amiga swosser) you find on the street (with no offence again).

I am sure sensidays will be a great event and i don t need a crystal ball for that.
Stop saying i can t talk about DIY league because you offend me...i know what a DIY league is, once again.
Those 2 things (sensidays and DIY League) are separate. To make my point more clear : Sensidays can be a great event even with a wrong and unfair group stage rule.
So that egg example with that sad housewife thing...was not necessary.
I KNOW what a DIY league is...i don t need sensidays to learn that. I will not change my opinion about this rule after sensidays, because fairness is fairness and diy leagues remain DIY leagues.
And if to preserve fairness i have to use excel and a laptop, i think i would use them. As i said , fairness is a starting point. If your friends are easily bored, sorry, but it should be their problem not yours.

1st of all:
If you want to have a personal pick-on with the ISSA , do it over here: , I am sure they will happily answer you.
This topic here is the wrong place. Thanks.

2nd of all:
Stop questioning peoples love for SWOS. You are ranting about fairness and the same time you feel in the position to question one s love for something. This, infact, is unfair. Stop it. I will delete any further posts with content like that. That is only inviting negativity for no good reason.
And maybe you haven t recognized it...but in your random rant against the ISSA you also question M4rk s, DaBomb s, Dior s, mine, Redhair s, AndYpsilon s, Falcon s, Oli O s, Marty s, Geo s and many other peoples love for SWOS (the list would go into the thousands)... And I won t let that happen here anymore.

If you have the courage you can talk to those people face to face on the event itself. If not, I cannot help you.
You can start with me in the car ride from Hahn to Pirmasens when I collect you and the other Italians. It takes about 1 hour to go to the location...time enough for you.

And for the rest:

The Sensible Days are not only about pure competition.

We have already agreed with your idea of fairness in general (even Junior, if you would read these posts here).
But then you have to play with Superteams and 5/5 substitutes (because even in EVERY friendly for example Suker can get injured in the first 10 mins of the game) and 10min matches. Playing no groups, but a big league with 10 times against each other (or 20 KO cups). Then you have a complete fair, clinical tournament.
But we are no laboratory which makes a testing row. And the Sensible Days are days....not Sensible Months.
And we like to have 1 straight tournament, which will determine a deserved winner and is exiting, well running, uncheatable and emotional at the same time. That s what an offline tournament is about, not only in our opinion... If people wouldn t like it, they stay at home. But obviously, they seem interested (40 players on the schedule, record for us).
But you are revolving around the same issue again and again. If you ask me to explain things (compromise for example) I will do that. But why you go back 5 pages in your next post... go on with the discussion, that would be better. Otherwise I don t see the reason in taking time to explain things as well as I can.

This is an Offline tournament... and even you agreed that the best player will win it (both Amiga and PC). So what is the problem?
And if a striker gets injured for 2 games (average between bandage and black cross, just for example) the effect of it is NEVER deciding on who will qualify or not.

And if we say it s the hardest tournament ever it is only our opinion. Nobody forces you to share it. You may open a website and promote it as a friendly cup.
We leave everybody the freedom to interprete it as they like. And if you like, just take the Sensible Days as a friendly league . You are welcomed.
You maintained that you love to play in any way. Then just do it...
Where on earth is your problem?
And if you really feel you cannot identify with the event then come here and play just friendlies on a free PC or Amiga with people of your choice. Also this is possible, if it doesn t interfere orga action.

And yes, we are, and we didn t teach you how to play competetive SWOS. You said 1000 times you don t like the ranking, you don t agree with ASL rules etc etc, infact you like nothing and don t agree with anything we did so far... This is no problem, but please stay at least true on it.
We teach nobody nothing. Look in the Central-Germany-Cup topic... any posts from me about group stage rules? nope...

Once again, live, and let live... thank you very much.

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16 years 11 months ago #24982 by AndYpsilon
Replied by AndYpsilon on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007
@ mt653: Hey man, perhaps you are taking the whole thing a bit too serious. Most of the people come to Pirmasens to meet other SWOS-Freaks , play their favourite game and drink beer ;D

Why discuss about the rules so long? The game itself gives us the rules - with a possibility to create DIY-Cups!
Of course its a World Cup and I really don t want to belittle the importance of this tournament, but hey it s SWOS! And SWOS is about fun, action, tension, gladness as well as disappointment - and NOT about working out the most perfect and clean rules to kill such aspects!

As I have said before: Friendlies and DIY-Cups are two completely different things. Friendlies are good for a warm-up but a real tournament feeling is only created in DIY-Cups.

I played two Eifel-Cups so far and both times we played friendlies and used Liga-Manager to enter results. The only reason we played friendlies have been reasons of time because Paider, Thomas, Klinki and me didn t have the time to play day and night on one pc. (At both tournaments we had other appointments later) However, real tension is killed by this system, because everybody has a different number of matches and there are no real deciding games. The tension came up in the KO s when there was a straight schedule!

In Pirmasens we have the time to play a DIY-System because everybody is there to play SWOS night and day 8)

So, lets stop discussions about fairness, unfairness and clean rules and such things because it takes a lot of fun of this event!

I want to close this post with the words of sensibleswos from another thread: oh who cares, lets have some fun! :P

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16 years 11 months ago #24983 by M4RK
Replied by M4RK on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007

[glow=red,4,300]F[/glow]un, [glow=red,4,300]A[/glow]ction, [glow=red,4,300]T[/glow]ension, [glow=red,4,300]G[/glow]l[glow=red,4,300]a[/glow]dne[glow=red,4,300]ss[/glow]



no more serious bshit for me! LETS PLAY!!! ;D

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16 years 11 months ago - 16 years 11 months ago #24984 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007

no more serious bshit for me! LETS PLAY!!! ;D


And until we have played this topic will be merged (first I closed it, but this was not the right way, merging is better)... If people feel the need to discuss tournament rules any further please do that in a neutral topic in the Offline-event -board. You are welcomed to do that and post your ideas about your kind of tournament.

Beds are nearly all reserved. If anybody needs informations he can contact us on PM or email if he doens t find it on the mini-site or the info-topic.

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16 years 11 months ago #24989 by Emmeti
Replied by Emmeti on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007

Am i the one taking too seriously, Andy?

I m just replying to people saying something to me or commenting what i said.
This is a videogame forum and i am grown up enough to give to it the importance it deserves.
i ll answer to playaveli after replying to you not because i am taking it too seriously know, when someone wants to make me look like the evil ogre that hates everything and everyone when it s not the case ...sure i reply. Wouldn t you do that too?

I say why rule is unfair imo and playaveli tells me i doubt other members love for swos, i am grouchy person and i am only ranting? That is so uncool.

My point is 1 line long , it s not too serious , it s just a point :
fairness is more important than bored ISSA s idea of fun...

if you Andy don t understand this point...hmmm, sorry.
If you go to Sensidays to make friends Andy, it s ok, i am spending money to go there and play swos and the last thing i would like is to play handicap games (unfortunately this is what is going to happen) just because someone is bored playing in a normal and fair way.
It s a competition after all, there s the cup , there are the medals and someone also called that the hardest tournament ever. Well, for the guy with more injured players...sure it will be, for some
I am not going there because i want to meet you or junior, with all the respect, if it was only for that there are better ways to spend 100 euro...i am going there to play swos instead.
I signed in for sensidays aware of the rules , that should say enough on how much i (don t) care about all this rule thing, but joining doesn t mean liking it. That means accepting it.


First of all i have no problems with ISSA, i have a very little problem with you. You re the one that wants to change face to SS.DE to please ISSA and i don t like it.

Second of all, you probably got my SWOS LOVE thing completetely wrong. I was not questioning Redhair s Falcon s Dior s DaBomb s love for swos (unless they were the ones leaving to go shopping), but i was just saying that : those who left can t be swos lover so maybe it s their problem and not organizers mistake. I would never leave and i know how much i love swos and respect your work, so you don t need to change rules just because someone (i have no idea who) was bored...and i am sure a lot of people agree with me on this (at least...i hope :) ).
So, when junior said he got bored (or something like that) at sensidays, obviously my reaction is surprise and i start to ask myself (and him) if he really loves s a normal , understandable reaction, i think.
I respect the great part of the community for the reason they re amazing guys, sharing with me the love for this wonderful game , some are good friends of mine and we talk about personal things too!
I love this community and i get along with the great part of the members and i would never question their love for swos!

I have the courage to tell people things on the face , be sure of that, but i consider extremily unappropriated going to Sensidays ruining the party with discussions that are only forum material (unless someone provokes me on that) and actually i couldn t care less (yes, i have a life too) . Yes, forum is the place to talk about these things , not sensidays. Sensidays is for playing swos , it s not a convention (well in my opinion).

And for the rest:

well, there s a cup, there aremedals, everybody taking the best teams using their killer custom tactics, i don t see any friendly league, that is matter of fact a competition...
...and unfortunately injuries will play an important role on who s going to qualify and who not.

Once again one thing is to accept to lose suker at min 1 or 2 or 10 followed by maybe redondo...for just the current game, another one is to risk him for 17 games of a 18 games league. Losing a player during the game is something we ( in accept, we know it s part of the game and it s fair enough, the superteams sound quite new to me, i hear that for the first time...Superteams? I don t know. I have to think about it.
In this topic i am just comparing injury (diy league) to no injury-friendly (as we re used in , not no injury to superteams (new to, it s a bit different.
About superteams, i ll let you know my opinion...btw you know superteams are not in the real swos , so i wouldn t even consider them as possibility, i mean, you need an editor, that is not exactly the original swos we all know, so...

... If people wouldn t like it, they stay at home. But obviously, they seem interested (40 players on the schedule, record for us). - Playaveli... i will be at sensidays too. That says a lot , i think.

The teach thing was a compliment actually...
I love both friendly swos and competitive swos, but i must say i learned the competitive swos here in and sure it added a lot to my game (handling to play under pressure, taking the right decision,quickly...trying to be more effective, think about strategies...etc.etc.). So thanks playaveli and redhair for that.
Too bad you gave up the SS.DE way i love and respect to follow the ISSA way.

I don t like this ranking system ... is that a crime? i see some people playing to climb the ranking , but that necessarily mean they re worth the position they reached so i guess there s something wrong in the system (if you have a ranking, at least make it true). Like Coolio is way stronger than this ranking shows , he s n.1 but he shouldn t be so close to others in rank, he won some consecutive ASLs and still risks to lose his 1st place...absurd.
ASL rules, hmmmm, i don t remember , actually. I play ASL and i don t remember problems...maybe with some players attitude in the past, but that s no big deal. Oh custom tactics? Well , it was just an opinion but it s ok with custom too, i play ASL too and i respect the rules (again, that says a lot, a think) ... 3 mins ...eheh, you know what was the problem there...

infact you like nothing and don t agree with anything we did so far...
Not true. I love , all the work done so far is amazing.
Maybe i don t like a detail or 2 (could it be a rule or whatever...) but i like, that s for sure.
Who knows me (even a little) knows how i like to play swos, to help new members , to stay in chat , how i like and being part of you re a bit too hard (and wrong) with your words. I am part of, i like to be part of it, i don t want to bring negativity . Why should i?

Once s your tournament you can do what you want (this remind me the codemasters forum) but at least i would like to say my opinions and ask my questions.

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16 years 11 months ago #24990 by M4RK
Replied by M4RK on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007
@ AndY mt and Playa

U should start writing books.. what a potential!!! :D

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16 years 11 months ago #24991 by M4RK
Replied by M4RK on topic Re: Sensible Days 2007

wow, it s only two weeks now!

My question to people going by car with one free place. Does anyone plan to go via Frankfurt (or near) on Friday 17th (in the evening)? Or maybe Kaiserslautern?

Im going to pick up dzem :)

how about strombergs lift?????????

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