Custom tactick have just killed SWOS

18 years 2 months ago - 18 years 2 months ago #6963 by Playaveli

@ Robchef:

Likjetaj s only point were standard goals . And they have nothing to do with tactics, but only with Equal ON.

I would bet you are pretty alone with this opinion. ;D

Alone or not: I am right... and that counts... (as far as I include custom tactics of me and Foka)
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18 years 2 months ago #6975 by Lucaa83
I like ALL TEAM EQUAL OFF. About custom tactics....mmm....i think it s fun to play with custom tactic, because game can be more various, and with a very good tactic a player can do a lot of differents goals, and him can defende very well too.
It s true that there are some players that do ever same goal....., was same as in original tactic time.
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18 years 2 months ago #6984 by dior
For me custom tactic s are really great. It bring s new life in all my games. My experince is exactly difrent then Your s Lik, every game is unpredictiball and creative.Also with Foka, always great match s... Maybe it all depend s of game style more then of tactic? Dont ask me ;)

And agree with Playa - equall off rules ;D
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18 years 2 months ago #6998 by LIK

It s like in real football, it s very difficult against a team with a very defensive tactic. And it s more professional and a big challenge to break the tactics. So I think it s a good idea to keep the right for an own tactic in ASL1. Rest of the Leagues and OOO s you don t need to use it, if you don t want. So you can have fun with Online Gaming, but if you want to be Master of SWOS , you have to take time for tactic to win the ultimate Amiga Super League ( Super not without a reson).

Is that mean that in OOO if i chose default my oponent must too becuse even bad tactick is better for scoring than default one...

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18 years 2 months ago #7017 by Redhair

Is that mean that in OOO if i chose default my oponent must too becuse even bad tactick is better for scoring than default one...

Default settings for OOO s are NO own tactics and equal ON ..
But own tactics are allowed, if both players agree.
But if you don t want to use own tactics, you don t need to.
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18 years 1 month ago - 18 years 1 month ago #7177 by SPIR
I think we have got to keep encouraging people to play creative and original games. This includes creating original tactics.
There exist as many fun playable tactics as different goals in swos, so if people want to use tactic they must atleast try to create one around their style of play. No need to copy! cool down and steal only a little if you must, like artist sometimes do, hehe
Most important is that the tactic is fun to play!!!
Its like playveli put eight goals in on me, but most were different so; credit, i dont want to put 7 players in my defence and midfield to stop goals, rather i want to create nice goals myself.
I agree that making your own tactic takes too much time:p I have been working on my tactic the last few months, and i think it wil be ready soon, next year. So i like the idea of playing 1 game with selfmade tactic and 1 without, like home and away, if opponent who hasnt taken the time wishes so.
Cant wait to try out my tactic here!

Just changing the players positions only a little in a few key points in say the 4-4-2, makes it smoother and more challenging. This makes me think we could modify the original tactics, dig in to the holy original SWOS tactics (the guys created them must be some kind of GURUs) and change them!

Eksample: 4-4-2 : Bring in the LB RB a little, take the central defender (nr 3) out of attack, move the wings for better support in front and, the 4-4-2 is optimised +1. Same few changes can be made to the other tactics (or the popular ones) and these tactics could be used by all. A kindof upgrade of original tactics for ooo matches. Of course its important that they would only be modified a little to keep the feeling of original.
Else make! your own (and good luck)! ;)
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18 years 1 month ago #7214 by SPIR

Creativity is gone tottaly. Some players i saw playing great before now only score one type of goal.

This is straight to the point. Who would want to play only for scoring copy goals (with or without custom tactics) ? and making a tactic only for scoring these goals? Seriously, allowing custom tactics should open up this game, adding more style to our play.

What is more important; a fun game and style, or SRN?!
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18 years 1 month ago #7215 by Oli O.
Hehe nice text, I agree excepting 2 points:

- stealing a little : If someone is copying a tactic, than he has got stolen 100% for the first moment. Sure, he will change some things but thats not important in this case.

- changing original tactics in swos: Is nearly impossible, cause everyone has another idea of optimizing these tactics. Bringing in own tactics would be much easier.
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18 years 1 month ago #7226 by RobChef

- stealing a little : If someone is copying a tactic, than he has got stolen 100% for the first moment. Sure, he will change some things but thats not important in this case.

I don t agree, there are just not enough positions to chose from to make sure that every tactic is 100% different from all the others. If there are 10 players who like to play 4-4-2 and now create their own tactic the difference for example in defense won t be very big because there are also just a few positions who make sense.

In offense it s the same if you like to score a special goal your attackers will have the same positions like from other players who like to score this goal.

So If I will ever be finished with my tactic you can steal whatever you want I will not apply for a patent and sue you if you copy it.  ;)
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18 years 1 month ago - 18 years 1 month ago #7234 by Oli O.
If someone creates his own tactic which accidentally nearly looks like mine, I won t say a word, cause it was his own work with investing much time and getting a feeling for creating tactics.
Just copying is too easy in my eyes. I didn t spend lots of hours of optimizing for giving other players easy victories .
Call me conservative , but that is my opinion in this subject. ;D
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