Different difficulty between AMIGA version, and PC version (played in AMIGA way)

4 years 3 weeks ago #143560 by szlt10
This game is brilliant excellent gameplay I love the update 2020 thank you guys for the hard work. I hate to overshadow the many positives over one or two negatives but its because im not enjoying it like the original 96/97 one because the GK are in God Mode even after the 1.2.2 update. I can only score penalties, deflected shots and very rarely direct shots.

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4 years 3 weeks ago #143562 by Playaveli
Please check again! My video shows that normal goals are possible.

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4 years 3 weeks ago #143570 by Playaveli

I see your video but are you playing 2020 because I cannot find them teams. Also its not a problem scoring past a 1 star keeper the issue is when I play keepers 2 stars up, example is the Hull vs Liverpool game if you can watch my video please.
Thank you

EDITED CUSTOM TEAMS. Those teams are just random top teams from 96/97 version (Real vs Brazil).

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4 years 3 weeks ago #143581 by szlt10
sorry founfd the teams. I tried to recreate your video I had 15 shots and 13 on target with same teams as yourself but I only scored 1 goal indirectly after the initial shot was saved. so this is definitely not like the original amiga game. I will play on winuae but it is a shame as I loved everything about swos2020 updated teams and everything.

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4 years 3 weeks ago #143582 by Playaveli

sorry founfd the teams. I tried to recreate your video I had 15 shots and 13 on target with same teams as yourself but I only scored 1 goal indirectly after the initial shot was saved. so this is definitely not like the original amiga game. I will play on winuae but it is a shame as I loved everything about swos2020 updated teams and everything.

And you are sure it's not your skill to score? No offense...

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4 years 3 weeks ago #143583 by verdealex79
In my personal experience (I started the thread), the game with the new executable plays the same as the Amiga one.

That does not mean that scoring is easy - scoring is not easy in SWOS, and a lot depends on position, kicker, trajectory. Individual skill is needed.

I am not that good either. But if i play Brazil against Solomon Island, I now score as if I played it on Amiga. The rest, I think it will come with me getting better and learning to score in fancy ways.
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4 years 2 weeks ago - 4 years 2 weeks ago #143614 by captaincofresi
Playaveli wrote:

captaincofresi wrote: Nice to see that this issue is now being looked at. Following this thread with much interest. Keep up the good work!

Issue is solved! Update executable with the launcher.

1) What exactly caused the problem with the 'god mode' for the GK for SWOS 2020? And how / where was it fixed? E.g. in the program itself, in data of the program, in the database? If I know this, I can make sure not to update those parts on older SWOS 2020 builds, to keep the harder difficulty for the GK.

2) Missing the harder difficulty for the GK on SWOS 2020 version 1.1 suddenly! Since I can't use my Total Pack SWOS folder directly in SWOS 2020 1.2, I am still using the 1.1 (rev 23) version in Amiga mode with Normal tactics. So now I wonder how this problem has been fixed, since I just played a match with Liverpool vs Tottenham (6-1), and scored way way way more goals then I usally did in SWOS2020 1.1 (rev unknown). This seems very strange to me, or has the version 1.1. been updating the launcher automatically? Since I think that is the only way this could have happend, although I also updated the database. So there is the other suspect. To check and make sure, I also played a match in version, and there I go the more realistic score of Liverpool vs Tottenham: 3-2. Although with a lot of penalties, so far less field goals that is. So that GK seems to be still on the hard difficulty.

If so, I think for the hard difficulty for the GK will just have to keep using until the Total Pack 1.2 for SWOS2020 is completed. Although if the problem has been fixed in the database, this now also is useless. Looking forward to hear how to use the hard difficulty for the GK. Since I already played multiple careers in the English Premier league with this, and looking forward to play some more when the formations for that have finally been updated to represent the real life formations.
Last edit: 4 years 2 weeks ago by captaincofresi. Reason: For unkown reasons SWOS 2020 version 1.1 suddenly removed the hard difficulty GK!!!
The following user(s) said Thank You: sokratees9

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4 years 1 week ago - 4 years 1 week ago #143640 by starwindz

Playaveli wrote:

captaincofresi wrote: Nice to see that this issue is now being looked at. Following this thread with much interest. Keep up the good work!

Issue is solved! Update executable with the launcher.

1) What exactly caused the problem with the 'god mode' for the GK for SWOS 2020? And how / where was it fixed? E.g. in the program itself, in data of the program, in the database? If I know this, I can make sure not to update those parts on older SWOS 2020 builds, to keep the harder difficulty for the GK.

2) Missing the harder difficulty for the GK on SWOS 2020 version 1.1 suddenly! Since I can't use my Total Pack SWOS folder directly in SWOS 2020 1.2, I am still using the 1.1 (rev 23) version in Amiga mode with Normal tactics. So now I wonder how this problem has been fixed, since I just played a match with Liverpool vs Tottenham (6-1), and scored way way way more goals then I usally did in SWOS2020 1.1 (rev unknown). This seems very strange to me, or has the version 1.1. been updating the launcher automatically? Since I think that is the only way this could have happend, although I also updated the database. So there is the other suspect. To check and make sure, I also played a match in version, and there I go the more realistic score of Liverpool vs Tottenham: 3-2. Although with a lot of penalties, so far less field goals that is. So that GK seems to be still on the hard difficulty.

If so, I think for the hard difficulty for the GK will just have to keep using until the Total Pack 1.2 for SWOS2020 is completed. Although if the problem has been fixed in the database, this now also is useless. Looking forward to hear how to use the hard difficulty for the GK. Since I already played multiple careers in the English Premier league with this, and looking forward to play some more when the formations for that have finally been updated to represent the real life formations.

The god-like goalkeeper movement is a bug in the process of porting the source code of original Amiga SWOS to SWOS 2020. This bug is not related to the team database, and is fixed in the latest update.

The high difficulty using this bug is likely to be added to the total pack later.
Last edit: 4 years 1 week ago by starwindz.
The following user(s) said Thank You: captaincofresi

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3 years 11 months ago #143780 by Fiddler
1. I don't want to stir the things up here, but I think there's still something not right with goalkeepers. Maybe some recent update regressed changes from 1.2.2?

Sure, it can be my lack of skills, I'm an avarage swos player. Still, I find myself quite proficient against AI.

So I played 5 games using swos2020.hdf in fs-uae and 5 games using swos2020 pc port. All settings the same - friendly, Man. City (me, 4-2-4)) vs. Norwich (CPU).

In fs-uae I had only big wins (about 6-0), in the port only small ones (1-0 or 2-0). The average number of shots on goal was similar (about 15).

But it's not about the results. Most of the goals I score in the port are after rebounds or corner kicks, almost none after direct shots (using well known swos ways).

It's not a bug maybe, but a feature :) Game's still fun, only balanced differently than original amiga one.

2. It's hard to replicate and I may be wrong here.
I played a World Cup recently and two games concluded with penalty shots. In this case goalies behaved in opposite way: both times we (me and CPU) had to take over 20 shots each before one of the goalies let one in. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it never happened to me bofore both in fs-uae and dosbox (the longest series were about 10 shots).

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3 years 10 months ago - 3 years 10 months ago #143867 by TIBS
Hi all, but Playaveli in particular. I want to add my weight in on this regarding the super keepers. As a player who put in a HUGE amount of hours into playing the original Amiga versions of the game (and also a fair amount into the inferior PC DOS version), and also have played a fair bit on the other emulator Amiga options, I can 100% guarantee that the goalies are WAY stronger than they should be and I mean HUGELY so. I've been playing this SWOS 2020 version now for a couple of months on and off and it was immediately apparent that something wasn't right and now having played a full season+ I can without any doubt whatsoever say that the keepers are the major negative difference for wanting a 100% representation of the gameplay from the Amiga version.

I'm currently uploading a couple of games I played which I believe reflect this (not in themselves concrete proof as there were always those odd games when the keeper would just save everything but this is every single game) in the range of shots being saved which I would not expect to see consistently saved time and time again.

On top of what's in the videos, I would also say that long range shots which would ordinarily have a chance of beating the keeper are also far less fruitful. I used to score many goals from the wings etc but I think I've seen just ONE in all the time I've been playing this version which did actually get past him.

Also, the whistle blowing for half-time / full-time after a goal has just been celebrated has NEVER, NOT ONCE, ever occurred in ANY version of the Amiga game that I've played. Ever. But it's a regular thing on this version which I find possibly even more baffling than the keepers, though I do also wonder whether CPU speed/cycles has an effect on this as well as the keepers? And maybe this is also why it sometimes feels that the AI defenders (opposition) are on top of any given situation a little ahead of regular schedule? By that I mean things like corners and throw-ins - I'm not 100% about this aspect BUT I do think they manage to get to the ball quicker than they should be doing so, so a throw-in can literally be taken off your toes before you've even had the chance to pass it as the receiving player?

Note, I AM playing it on Widescreen, and I definitely want to thank the whole team for the work in bringing this to us all - it's a brilliant job, even without all the extra stuff it would've been amazing, I just hope the root of these little niggling differences can be found and put right as it's the ONLY thing about it which is tarnishing it for me and anyone else who has played enough for it to stand out so much as it does!

I will edit this post or post a follow up with the links to the videos once they are up. I hope you can take the time to see them and appreciate what they ought to show to you with regards to the Godly keepers.
Last edit: 3 years 10 months ago by TIBS.

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