Re: Sensible Soccer 2006, your opinion!

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17 years 11 months ago #9550 by Penleeki
Replied by Penleeki on topic Re: Sensible Soccer 2006, your opinion!
If they had spent 8 years working on this game they sure as hell wouldn t be selling it for £20. This game was likely made by a small team on a very tight deadline.
I stopped playing swos years ago (apart from the odd game) because I got BORED of it.
Sure the AI isn t as good, but swos has by far the best game AI I have ever seen, so I didn t expect it to compare, especially since the game is now much more complex.

The animation system glitches sometimes, but until animation becomes more physics based and less keyframe based (as it is now heading towards) it isn t possible to have a perfect game system and a perfect animation system. You either end up with a game like FIFA that puts animation first, or a game like Unreal Tournament which gives you total control at the expense of the odd glitch.

There are enough things that are just better about sensi 2006. You can now (with a bit of skill) put the ball anywhere you like in corners and free kicks. Pinpointing a striker in a good spot and curling the ball onto his head makes for some real david beckham moments. Against a human opponent using the keeper control there is also no longer a set formula for scoring. Turning sharply is slower than one touching the ball onto a player running the right way, which makes strategy for breaking through the defence work a lot more like real football.

I can t help feeling that a lot of the people who hate it are not giving it a fair chance. Tackling, heading, volleying, taking corners/free kicks, defending, playing one touch football are all things which now work very differently, with different timing to how they used to. If you fire it up expecting to be awesome at it just because you were good at the old game, and then find out you suck (but still win due to bad AI), you could end up thinking there was nothing more to see. It took me playing through a couple of leagues before I unlearned all the old sensi tricks and started to work with the new system instead of against it.

If they tidied up the problems with the AI, I don t think I would ever dig out swos again.

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17 years 11 months ago #9564 by Hellenstone
I already posted my opinion in an extra thread:

After playin Sensi06 since a few days now, there are two things I definitely would like to know from the developers:
Yes, playin here on is a very good opportunity, but in a sports game in year 2006 an online mode is a must have!!!
EA demands money for EA Online which is in my opinion an act of piracy. But I can T understand why there s no possibilit to play online with Sensi06!?!?!?

The other thing is the commentary. Even SWOS 96/97 PC had some kind of commentary but a Sesible game in 2006 has none??? Unbelievable!!!

Am I the only one thinking this way??? ??? :-\ : (


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17 years 11 months ago #9566 by clazef
Replied by clazef on topic Re: Sensible Soccer 2006, your opinion!
NO INTERNET!!!! I played demo and I bought the game: I foud out that there is no multiplayer option!!!!!
But how  can you make a game without Internet option in 2006!!!

AI of the game is really poor and the only oppotunity to have fun from the game is to play it agaist human players, but nowaday you can easily find them only on Internet.
With this opportunity all bugs and problems of the game will hide.
There is a game, Virtual skipper 4, made by a small company that has a lot of faults and some bugs, but playing it on internet you can forget them and who buys VS buys it ONLY to play against humans on Internet.
I could not belive, after buying SS2006, that there were not this opportunity: I want my money back!

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17 years 11 months ago #9569 by clazef
Replied by clazef on topic Re: Sensible Soccer 2006, your opinion!
grisu, you said that it is possible to play on, but you meant online or I should come from Italy to play there? :)

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17 years 11 months ago #9570 by Hellenstone
He, Clazef.
If you want to come, you re welcome!
It s a time to make friends in these world cup days... :D :D :D

But that internet thing problem is really unbelievable!!!
No online option in a 2006 soccer game!!!
Perhaps a patch will bring it???
Hope dies last... ::)


„Es ist wichtig, dass man neunzig Minuten mit voller Konzentration an das nächste Spiel denkt“
Lothar Matthäus – Rekordnationalspieler Deutschlands

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17 years 11 months ago #9571 by clazef
Replied by clazef on topic Re: Sensible Soccer 2006, your opinion!
Who bought ss2006 should ask Codemaster to have money back telling them why.
I think this is the only opportunity they make something.
Anyway I don t belive a simple path can solve the problem.

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17 years 11 months ago #9620 by Redhair
I voted disappointed , because I m not satisfied ;)

But I have to say: This game is not bad, really not!

Especially for Newbies who never played SWOS before, this game must be perfect! Much better than FIFA and much more uncomplicated than Pro Evolution Soccer. For me, this game is the best modern football game on the market! And finally a game you can ask your father for a match! And for all those who want to play without reading the fucking manual .. This is just great! Thanks to Codemasters to bring the Sensi feeling back to the new century for the new generation!

Also it brings many visitors and new members to our community. A great effect is also that many people remember SWOS and start to play it again.

OK, now the negative points: For SWOS players like me the game seems to be unfinished, not tweaked out. No wonder, if there are no SWOS players as beta-testers for Codemasters. The game is boring easy, you cannot lose the ball for expample. The physics are not as good as in SWOS, the ball is too light, there is no action on the pitch. The sound is a SHAME!! Compare with Amiga SWOS and wonder, which is from 2006 and which from 1996. Also there is no commentary, not like PC SWOS. No atmosphere, no emotions .. sad. The players are a bit too thin, remember in SWOS the pixelman are fat, that makes them more sympathic ;) The players of Sensi 06 are moving with inertia, ok maybe it s more realistic, especially with this big heads(! maybe too less), but together with the camera-movements (camera moves with player and zooms in and out) it destroys the good old sensi feeling. And I get sea sick cause of the camera-movements if I play longer than 15 minutes. I would prefer a better calmly overview together with a faster gameplay, but with more action with a heavy ball and better sound (BOOM). I need the kick and I get it with Amiga SWOS, not yet with Sensi 06, but: This game has a BIG potential!! Don t throw it away, it needs some tweaks and the game will bring a much more fun, for me too, I know it! Then bring us some updates and the signs point to the sky.

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17 years 11 months ago #9729 by Marino1
Replied by Marino1 on topic Re: Sensible Soccer 2006, your opinion!
Sorry to hear that there are so many disappointed sensi fans. Having followed the series from the beginning I was ecstatic to hear of its return. I purchased it asap, and while granted there are undoubted flaws I have to say that I am enjoying the game. There is definitely a sensi feel to it and though the one player version may be limited play against a friend and you will have a ball. I am more than willing to wait another year for a more polished version, hopefully with greater depth in career. Until then I will enjoy the game for the breath of fresh air that it is.

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17 years 11 months ago #9778 by M4RK
first of all i think new generation think this is crap cause they are used to games like fifa and pes and then see an unfinished masterpiece...

but my opinion about the game itself isnt so bad:

passing is perfect
tackling i can indentify with old.. but then on a weaker way.. but its there and thats good!!
heading... not good/not bad
shooting is nice.. altough u need to handle it first.. or maybe i have to handle the ps2 / xbox controller first :P

good to see chaotic goals.. swoozh and me already could have a good laugh at times!

now the negative:

goalkeeper.. theres absolutely nothing good with the gks... teleporting so be it... but when the opponent gives a long pass and the ball is going on target straight on the gk.. he just stands there like: come here... u can shoot it.. im not going to bite ya!! in that case id rahter have a teleporting gk then a retarded gk!!!!!!!!!

and then my biggest fear.. undefendable goals!!

its hard to explain this but its a rare feeling.. ill hope at least someone can understand... u dont have to agree with me ;)

in SWOS... its always your own fault... every goal is defendable... a supurb action from your opponent would NOT immediatly lead to a goal.. it depents on your own defending capability... for me the gk is the only one who can interrupt this by a stupid action where u thought he was able to catch it
its urself who is responsible for 95% of the goals against..

in the new game.. i think this is a lottttttttttt lower... first of all because of the chaos... 4 man running into the ball and who is the lucky winnar? in SWOS its chaotic too but different i guess
i dont think its possible to head to ball out of the goal.. and so on...

i could be wrong cause its just the beginning of the game... but i think this new game is just a PES and SWOS in 1

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17 years 11 months ago #9933 by LeBronze
Replied by LeBronze on topic Re: Sensible Soccer 2006, your opinion!
im dissapointed cuz I luv this game, there are no varies in difficulty n no online mode

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