Re: Sensible Days 2016 - Almelo (Bornerbroek), the Netherlands, August 20/21

8 years 4 months ago #131942 by Playaveli
I could pick up someone at Düsseldorf airport on Friday, if needed!

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8 years 4 months ago #131962 by Klaris
I hope I will be able to join, but dont look good atm.. Fingers crossed, will know within a month..

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8 years 4 months ago #131963 by Ali
Klaris, Danish friends needs support :)

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8 years 4 months ago #131967 by Mdogg
Alrite guys, sorry if this is in the wrong place. First post and all that...

Is it possible that anyone can help me make a custom Amiga keyboard or potentially buy one that someone does not need anymore?
This way I can practice and avoid the embarrassment of turning up without a keyboard (again).

I have a MegaDrive controller adaptor and I plan to use this to play on the emulated version and then use it for tournament in the summer. This would work yes?


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8 years 4 months ago #131968 by Rock and Roll
@Klaris: really hope you can work something out, Sensi Days isn t the same without you!

@Mdogg/All: I don t know about the adapter, but in our meeting Saturday we discussed ways of speeding the tournaments up.
One point was the amount of keypads. I for example don t have one, and I m a mathematician, not an electrician.
Is there anyone / are there people who could say make a few (I think about 10 in total). A few for people who need/want them,
but also a few extra as backup for next Sensi Days?

@All: I hope to have the introduction post with location info, prices etc this weekend (sorry, very busy week at work).

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8 years 4 months ago #131984 by Bomb

here is a link (probably outdated, but could be interesting):
players you can ask for advice are djowger, waenae81 (or Wänä81) or maybe redhair.
of course you should frequently ask ebay... maybe someone is selling such controller.

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8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #131986 by Playaveli
Until nobody does better, I added a banner to this (and to the Facebook event) with my ultra-low graphic skills... :P
I hope someone steps forward (Redhair/djowGer?) and does some proper poster in traditional style.

Also, I added events on website, PC/Amiga:

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8 years 4 months ago #131987 by Rock and Roll
Concerning the poster...we have connections :).
In other words, somebody I know is designing it for us.
As soon as we have the official version, we ll post it here and on Facebook.
Could take another two weeks, but it s coming!!!

I saw the events, thanks!
It s a bit hectic at the moment with work, work and doing other stuff for the tournament.
I still hope to post the official post with prices etc tomorrow.

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8 years 4 months ago #131988 by ElMichaJ
well dont stress.

we know the date and about the costs :) thats the most important
everything else the community will get managed

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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8 years 4 months ago #131992 by Rock and Roll
I discussed the costs with a few people.
We have to create a safe margin just in case.
Full participation (3 nights stay, 8 meals, unlimited drinks, 4 tournaments and whatever else we can organize) will
be 120 euro s. This is an amount which will ensure what I just stated, and we believe we will have money left over.
The question will then be what to do with players? Donate it to the website? Buy stuff for the community
(Amiga s etc.)? Pass it on to the next Sensi Days organizers? We ll discuss this at a later date.

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