Sensible Days 2023 Berlin Wandlitz First facts

So I could manage to get some event location for Sensible Days 2023 in Wandlitz close to Berlin. It was not an easy job, because a lot of Hostels are booked out or very expensive or hard to reach. So this solution willl be the best I can get and I had to organize it early! The videos will show you some pictures and some facts about the current situation. Feel free to register for the Tournaments when you are interested, because then I could see and calculate how much we really need.


Youth Hostel Wandlitz

4th to 7th of August

complete price will be around 175 € per person


PC SWOS 5th August 2023

AMIGA SWOS 6th August 2023

@2022-08-22 10:57:10 by ElMichaJ