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As we could see: Saturday 23rd of November was an offline SWOS Day.

There was a big danish Offline Cup in Denmark, Copenhagen with 14 players from Denmark and Sweden. The Danish Cup is a yearly traditional tournament with a lot of local players of all skill classes. There are also sometimes some visitors from other danish regions or other countries.

The SensiSuperStar of this tournament was Djowger guided from his padawan Spir. Both players are well known in the community and had a lot of offline experience. Djowger won the tournament flawless with 20 wins in 20 matches. It was just a great performance so he deserved the gold medal and some nice extra SRN points. Spir also played a good tournament and got the bronze medal.

Danish Cup 2019

There were also some suprising players like the local Drillos Drenge which got the silver medal and the swedish guy tre fiori who got the fourth place.

  1. Djowger
  2. Drillos Drenge
  3. SPIR
  4. tre fiori